Written by 8th Annual Tundra Time Trial Collegiate Division Winner Kevin Roberts -
Tough week of classes ends at 2:50 PM Friday afternoon. Soak up the surprisingly good weather for a while. 6:00 PM, eat a hearty dinner at the Caf. 8:30 PM, hit the hay early. Get eight short hours of toss and turn sleep. Anticipation keeps me up because I can’t stop picturing the atmosphere of the race and the final, gut-wrenching sprint to the finish. Wake up at 4:30 AM. Shower, eat a cold breakfast, suit up, load gear, trainer, bike and tools into the truck. 5:30 AM, meet the guys in the parking lot of the RLC. One philosophy major, three engineers and one engineering professor gripe about how cold it is, eat some peanut butter balls, talk about directions, and leave in two cars at 5:50AM. Tell some jokes, get turned around…twice, and arrive at Rambo Nursery (event location) at 7:45AM. Rush to the bathroom, get registered, and get bikes ready. 8:08 AM, warm up. 8:37 AM first Mercer rider departs, air temperature 32 degrees. 9:05 AM, last Mercer rider departs air temperature 35 degrees. One after another, the team finishes and gathers near the finish line to catch their breaths and snap some pictures. Cool down, hop in some warm dry clothes, and WHO’s HUNGRY! It’s off to an early 10:30 AM lunch. We decide to eat at Waho (Waffle House). 11:00 AM, waffles and eggs make it to the table. 11:45 AM, head back to the award ceremony for the off chance that one of us gets an award. Last racers are finishing up, air temperature 50 degrees...go figure. Wait around, talk to some Walthall Oil guys (Macon’s pro team), meet the man who won it all (his legs were huge and he had a sweet beard, really nice guy). 1:15 PM, award ceremony starts late. Looky there, we swept the collegiate podium! I Never thought that we would. Fall asleep on the car ride back. 3:30 PM, back to school, back to the books. What a weekend!